Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

pidato the danger of smoking


the text :
Hello my name is Enah Saraswati
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Firstly, i would like to thank to God for having given health and blessing, so I am able to stand on this pulpit in order to convey an important message.
Ladies and Gentlemen
not only so secret anymore, and do not necessarily dupungkiri again when among some smokers actually know ataupu feel the effects of the dangers of smoking, but they seemed to turn a blind eye to a variety of reasons, even though, cigarette smoke has been scientifically provable result in at least 25 type of disease. It means, a variety of countries – accounting for developing countries – to tighten the provisions of cigarettes problems make protection of people’s health, but Indonesia it into a paradise for the tobacco industry.
Ladies and Gentlemen ..
although it has a lot of rules and regulations issued has many regulations and restrictions that have been imposed, for example, a ban on smoking in public places, but not the least well or much some smokers do not comply with the provisions already in force, by because of that, we as a good citizen and also can ignore health, let us achieve a healthy life without smoke starting from ourselves.
ladies and Gentlemen.
in the system which is indeed not at risk in the physical appearance of smokers is a problem in the blood circulation system, which in turn lead to heart disease. This is because the subject because in cigarette dala there are some chemicals that are in cigarettes. including, acrolein, is a colorless liquid, like aldehyde. This substance contains more or less alcohol content. means, acrolein is a liquid alcohol already taken. This fluid is very detrimental to health.
ladies and Gentlemen
due to the very limited time, I would like to thank the committee who has given me time to present this brief speech. hopefully tobacco-free on the day of the world, we can be loving ourselves and started on a healthy self.
Hopefully this description will be useful. sorry if there is a sentence that is less willing.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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